Patines sobre ruedas Bont ParkStar - Bubblegum Stripe
Los patines ParkStar combinan estilo, rendimiento y comodidad, todo en un solo paquete a un precio asequible.
Los patines Bont ParkStar toman lo mejor de la innovación de Bont y lo convierten en un patín diseñado para patinaje en parque, patinaje en bowl, patinaje recreativo y patinaje callejero.
Con décadas de experiencia en la fabricación, la bota Bont ParkStar mantiene nuestro alto estándar de calidad de principio a fin. Por ejemplo, ¿sabías que nuestras botas están hechas a mano con hormas que se han perfeccionado desde 1975? Además, añadimos material antiestiramiento a nuestras botas de skate, lo que garantiza que tus botas de skate duren más. Incluso vamos un paso más allá para diseñar nuestras botas con una forma anatómica del antepié y el talón para brindarte la mejor estabilidad y comodidad. Adecuadas para patinar en interiores o exteriores, ¡estas botas altas de gamuza están listas para tu próxima aventura!
Este paquete viene montado con la placa Tracer Derby, ruedas Bont Flow y rodamientos 608 ABEC-5.
Características de arranque
Base: Fibra de vidrio
Piel exterior: Ante
Forro: Gamuza-L
Elevación del talón: 23 mm, interior formado a mano.
Altura de la bota: Tobillo alto para mayor soporte.
Grosor de la bota: 1,4 mm
Moldeable por calor: Base totalmente moldeable por calor que utiliza resina termoendurecible epoxi
Acolchado: espuma viscoelástica
Ancho:No se puede hacer angosto o ancho, pero el ancho es un poco más amplio que nuestro ancho estándar.
Bloques deslizantes compatibles
Cualquier bloque que se adapte a placas con un pivote de 20 grados funcionará con estas placas.
Consejo de Fritzy sobre el talle: ¡Bont tiene talles increíbles! Visita este enlace para averiguar cuál es tu talle:
Las botas de skate no son como un calzado común y corriente. Para un control máximo, las botas deben calzar como una segunda piel. Por eso, el talle de las botas Bont NO es el mismo que el talle de calzado de EE. UU. o el talle de otras marcas de skate.
¡La mochila multifunción para llevar tu patineta en la bicicleta! Cuenta con correas verticales para llevar fácilmente una patineta mientras montas en bicicleta y sentarte cómodamente sin preocuparte por pincharte la rueda; además, cuenta con una lengüeta de tiro Switch Back para transformar una mochila con correas tradicionales en una cómoda bandolera para una orientación más vertical en espacios concurridos.
- Correas reflectantes verticales únicas - Tejido 1000D resistente a la abrasión balística - Panel central reforzado con vinilo PVC - Costuras dobles y correas resistentes - Cremalleras resistentes y tiradores con logotipos personalizados - Bolsillo de neopreno para portátil - Bolsillo superior de fácil acceso - Bolsillo elástico para botella de agua de malla - Correas ergonómicas y panel posterior con malla transpirable - Asa de transporte integrada de doble capa - Volumen de 20L en 46 x 28 x 16 cm
Doble certificación: cumple con los estándares de seguridad de bicicletas CPSC de EE. UU. y patines ASTM
Incluye 2 juegos de revestimientos Sweatsaver para personalizar el ajuste.
Guía de ajuste:
Para garantizar un ajuste perfecto, mida la circunferencia de su cabeza comenzando en el medio de su frente y compárela con los tamaños que aparecen a continuación: XS/S 20 – 21,25 pulgadas (51 – 54 cm) Talla S/M 21 – 22,5 pulgadas (53 – 57 cm) L/XL 22,5 – 23,5 pulgadas (57 – 60 cm)
Gafas de sol Goodr - Au Revoir, Gopher
¿Los topos te tienen deprimido? No descargues tu ira con estos peludos amigos. En lugar de eso, ponte un par de estas gafas de sol blancas y rosas con lentes de alto contraste para mejorar la visibilidad del suelo y poder plantar más tubérculos de manera segura. Hemos dicho demasiado. *CHIRRIDO* (Se escabulle hacia la distancia).
Lentes no reflectantes Reduce el deslumbramiento para evitar entrecerrar los ojos mientras corres.
No Slip goodr utiliza un revestimiento de agarre especial para construir el marco para ayudar a eliminar el deslizamiento al sudar.
El marco No Bounce es cómodo y liviano, con un ajuste cómodo para evitar rebotes mientras haces ejercicio.
Todas las lentes son polarizadas y reducen el deslumbramiento, además cuentan con protección UV400 que bloquea el 100% de los dañinos rayos UVA y UVB.
Protectores de espinillas y látigos Triple8 Exoskin
Nuestras espinilleras y protectores de rodillas Exoskin te protegen por debajo de las rodillas con férulas de alta densidad en la parte delantera y en los laterales. Estas almohadillas, lo suficientemente delgadas como para caber debajo de los pantalones, brindan máxima protección, comodidad y durabilidad para todo tipo de ciclismo, incluido el ciclismo de montaña.
Cuerpo de neopreno perforado con forro interior cómodo para mayor transpirabilidad.
Férulas para espinillas y látigos laterales moldeadas en PE de alta densidad para máxima protección
Espuma EVA que absorbe los impactos y proporciona protección adicional debajo de las férulas de PE
Las férulas son extraíbles para facilitar su limpieza.
Paneles resistentes a la abrasión para mayor durabilidad.
Cuatro correas de Velcro® para crear un ajuste seguro y personalizado
Mide alrededor de la circunferencia del punto más ancho de tu pantorrilla y compáralo con la tabla de tallas a continuación:
S 11 – 14,2 pulgadas M 12 – 15 pulgadas L 13 – 16 pulgadas
CONSEJO PROFESIONAL: Si tus medidas están entre las tallas que se muestran o si simplemente tienes dudas, te recomendamos encarecidamente que elijas la talla más grande. Con el paso de los años, hemos comprobado que los clientes obtienen mejores resultados si eligen la talla más grande.
Correa para patines Derby Laces - Pink Cotton Candy Spark
Las correas para patines son la manera perfecta de llevar los patines a donde quiera que vayas. Son resistentes y duraderas, y una excelente alternativa a llevar un bolso o una mochila.
Esta correa también es adecuada para usarse como correa para colchonetas de yoga u otros equipos.
El consejo de Fritzy:¡Esta es una de las correas para patines más largas del mercado, lo que la hace muy versátil para experimentar con diferentes formas de transporte!
Guantes de exoesqueleto Triple8
Diseñados con la ayuda de nuestros ciclistas profesionales, estos guantes livianos brindan la comodidad y el agarre que necesitas, ya sea que estés en la calle, en un sendero o en el parque. Los guantes ExoSkin te ayudarán a mantener el sudor alejado de tus puños y las ampollas alejadas de tus manos.
Construcción liviana con parte superior de malla ventilada para mantener las manos secas.
Cómodo diseño sin cordones con tirador para la muñeca
Palma reforzada para mayor durabilidad.
Paño para cejas Sweatsaver™ en el pulgar
Para garantizar un ajuste perfecto, mida la circunferencia de la mano en los nudillos y compare con los tamaños que se enumeran a continuación:
XS 7.3 – 7.7 pulgadas S 7,7 – 8 pulgadas M 8 – 8,5 pulgadas L 8,5 – 8,9 pulgadas XL 8,9 – 9,3 pulgadas
CONSEJO PROFESIONAL: Si tus medidas están entre las tallas que se muestran o si simplemente tienes dudas, te recomendamos encarecidamente que elijas la talla más grande. Con el paso de los años, hemos comprobado que los clientes obtienen mejores resultados si eligen la talla más grande.
Sk8 the State para la esclerosis múltiple: camiseta azul
Camiseta Sk8 the State para MS MI 2022.
Todas las ganancias benefician a la Fundación MS para Sk8 the State for MS.
La misión de Sk8 the State es generar conciencia y financiar grandes avances en la investigación, los tratamientos y el apoyo a la esclerosis múltiple dando grandes pasos sobre nuestros patines. Nos comprometemos a superar nuestras expectativas y a recorrer un nuevo estado cada año, en un esfuerzo por atraer más atención pública a esta enfermedad debilitante.
Consejo de ajuste de Fritzy:estos zapatos tienen un tamaño unisex.
Triple8 DEEP COVER Helmet - White Glossy
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Complies with U.S. CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older, ASTM F1447 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating, and ASTM F1492 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Skateboarding and Trick Roller Skating.
From Triple8: We’ve had a blast partnering with Barbie Patin on the development of her new DEEP COVER helmet. She was named Roller-skater of the Year in 2023 by Fantom Magazine, but it’s her pure passion for skating and creative personality that make Barbie so fun to work with. We love the specially formulated Chameleon Paint that we developed with Barbie just for this helmet. You need to see it in real life to fully appreciate the mesmerizing shifts of color.
We took everything we've learned from 30 years of helmet development and challenged ourselves to achieve the lowest-profile, deepest-fitting, most comfortable helmet in the world. We succeeded. DEEP COVER cracked the code.
With our new patent-pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology and LUXE-LOCK Liners, you'll feel the difference as soon as DEEP COVER secures your head in a plush halo. But we didn't stop there. Every head shape is unique, so we included an unprecedented FIT KIT with 17 liners and shims for optimal customization.
Best of all, we packed all of this new tech into a classic shape with a super-slim profile.
On the outside DEEP COVER simply looks right. On the inside the fit is unrivaled.
To ensure a perfect fit, measure the circumference of your head starting in the middle of your forehead and match it with the sizes below:
XS/S 20 – 21.25 in (51 – 54 cm)
S/M 21 – 22.5 in (53 – 57 cm)
L/XL 22.5 – 23.5 in (57 – 60 cm)
XL/XXL 23.5 – 24.5 in (60 – 63 cm)
PRO TIP: If your measurements are in-between the sizes shown or you’re simply in doubt, we strongly recommend sizing up to the larger size. We have found over the years that customers do better when they choose the larger size.
Triple8 DEEP COVER Helmet - Black Matte
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Complies with U.S. CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older, ASTM F1447 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating, and ASTM F1492 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Skateboarding and Trick Roller Skating.
From Triple8: We’ve had a blast partnering with Barbie Patin on the development of her new DEEP COVER helmet. She was named Roller-skater of the Year in 2023 by Fantom Magazine, but it’s her pure passion for skating and creative personality that make Barbie so fun to work with. We love the specially formulated Chameleon Paint that we developed with Barbie just for this helmet. You need to see it in real life to fully appreciate the mesmerizing shifts of color.
We took everything we've learned from 30 years of helmet development and challenged ourselves to achieve the lowest-profile, deepest-fitting, most comfortable helmet in the world. We succeeded. DEEP COVER cracked the code.
With our new patent-pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology and LUXE-LOCK Liners, you'll feel the difference as soon as DEEP COVER secures your head in a plush halo. But we didn't stop there. Every head shape is unique, so we included an unprecedented FIT KIT with 17 liners and shims for optimal customization.
Best of all, we packed all of this new tech into a classic shape with a super-slim profile.
On the outside DEEP COVER simply looks right. On the inside the fit is unrivaled.
To ensure a perfect fit, measure the circumference of your head starting in the middle of your forehead and match it with the sizes below:
XS/S 20 – 21.25 in (51 – 54 cm)
S/M 21 – 22.5 in (53 – 57 cm)
L/XL 22.5 – 23.5 in (57 – 60 cm)
XL/XXL 23.5 – 24.5 in (60 – 63 cm)
PRO TIP: If your measurements are in-between the sizes shown or you’re simply in doubt, we strongly recommend sizing up to the larger size. We have found over the years that customers do better when they choose the larger size.
Triple8 Bashguard Padded Top
The perfect padded top for Derby with optimized protection in the sternum, rib, and shoulders. The slim-profile crop design with cap-sleeves was developed and refined with the world's top derby players. This lightweight, comfortable, breathableBashGuardkeepsbruises at bay so you can play hard and hit harder.
Performance Lycra wicks sweat and stays comfortable no matter how hard you play
Dual-Zone foam in chest and rib areas provides robust protection with flexible comfort
Single foam construction in the shoulders takes the sting out of impacts while allowing full freedom of movement
Para garantizar un ajuste perfecto, mida la circunferencia de su cintura y compárela con los tamaños que se enumeran a continuación:
JR 22 – 27 pulgadas S 26 – 30 pulgadas M 29 – 33 pulgadas L 32 – 38 pulgadas XL 36 – 42 pulgadas
CONSEJO DE TRIPLE8: Si tus medidas están entre las tallas que se muestran o si simplemente tienes dudas, te recomendamos encarecidamente que elijas la talla más grande. Con el paso de los años, hemos comprobado que los clientes obtienen mejores resultados si eligen la talla más grande.
Triple8 Certified Sweatsaver Helmet - Skate Like a Girl
The FIRST and ONLY helmet to fully integrate the best of high impact absorbing EPS Foam with thick dual density soft foam and plush Sweatsaver fabric, delivering the ultimate in comfort with dual certified protection.
Dual Certified: Complies with U.S. CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older and ASTM F-1492 Skate safety standards.
Includes 2 sets of Sweatsaver liners to customize fit
Fit Guide:
THE Certified Sweatsaver:
XS/S 20 – 21.25 in (51 – 54 cm) S/M 21 – 22.5 in (53 – 57 cm) L/XL 22.5 – 23.5 in (57 – 60 cm)
Triple8 QUAD25 Backpack
Multi-function backpack that holds more gear than you expect! Clever exterior and interior pockets to carry skates, helmets, pads, tools, clothes, laptop & much more.
25L Size - optimal for everyday commuting.
Expandable exterior gear pocket.
Easy-access stash pocket.
Interior laptop pocket.
1000D Ballistic Fabric with double-stitching and rugged zippers.
Triple8 DEEP COVER Helmet - Gold Glitter
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Complies with U.S. CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older, ASTM F1447 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating, and ASTM F1492 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Skateboarding and Trick Roller Skating.
From Triple8: We’ve had a blast partnering with Barbie Patin on the development of her new DEEP COVER helmet. She was named Roller-skater of the Year in 2023 by Fantom Magazine, but it’s her pure passion for skating and creative personality that make Barbie so fun to work with. We love the specially formulated Chameleon Paint that we developed with Barbie just for this helmet. You need to see it in real life to fully appreciate the mesmerizing shifts of color.
We took everything we've learned from 30 years of helmet development and challenged ourselves to achieve the lowest-profile, deepest-fitting, most comfortable helmet in the world. We succeeded. DEEP COVER cracked the code.
With our new patent-pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology and LUXE-LOCK Liners, you'll feel the difference as soon as DEEP COVER secures your head in a plush halo. But we didn't stop there. Every head shape is unique, so we included an unprecedented FIT KIT with 17 liners and shims for optimal customization.
Best of all, we packed all of this new tech into a classic shape with a super-slim profile.
On the outside DEEP COVER simply looks right. On the inside the fit is unrivaled.
To ensure a perfect fit, measure the circumference of your head starting in the middle of your forehead and match it with the sizes below:
XS/S 20 – 21.25 in (51 – 54 cm)
S/M 21 – 22.5 in (53 – 57 cm)
L/XL 22.5 – 23.5 in (57 – 60 cm)
XL/XXL 23.5 – 24.5 in (60 – 63 cm)
PRO TIP: If your measurements are in-between the sizes shown or you’re simply in doubt, we strongly recommend sizing up to the larger size. We have found over the years that customers do better when they choose the larger size.
Triple8 DEEP COVER Helmet - Silver Glitter
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Complies with U.S. CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older, ASTM F1447 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating, and ASTM F1492 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Skateboarding and Trick Roller Skating.
From Triple8: We’ve had a blast partnering with Barbie Patin on the development of her new DEEP COVER helmet. She was named Roller-skater of the Year in 2023 by Fantom Magazine, but it’s her pure passion for skating and creative personality that make Barbie so fun to work with. We love the specially formulated Chameleon Paint that we developed with Barbie just for this helmet. You need to see it in real life to fully appreciate the mesmerizing shifts of color.
We took everything we've learned from 30 years of helmet development and challenged ourselves to achieve the lowest-profile, deepest-fitting, most comfortable helmet in the world. We succeeded. DEEP COVER cracked the code.
With our new patent-pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology and LUXE-LOCK Liners, you'll feel the difference as soon as DEEP COVER secures your head in a plush halo. But we didn't stop there. Every head shape is unique, so we included an unprecedented FIT KIT with 17 liners and shims for optimal customization.
Best of all, we packed all of this new tech into a classic shape with a super-slim profile.
On the outside DEEP COVER simply looks right. On the inside the fit is unrivaled.
To ensure a perfect fit, measure the circumference of your head starting in the middle of your forehead and match it with the sizes below:
XS/S 20 – 21.25 in (51 – 54 cm)
S/M 21 – 22.5 in (53 – 57 cm)
L/XL 22.5 – 23.5 in (57 – 60 cm)
XL/XXL 23.5 – 24.5 in (60 – 63 cm)
PRO TIP: If your measurements are in-between the sizes shown or you’re simply in doubt, we strongly recommend sizing up to the larger size. We have found over the years that customers do better when they choose the larger size.
Triple8 Saver Series Pads 3 Pack - Skate Like a Girl
Tough, 4-way stretch nylon mesh provides a snug fit
High-density, impact-resistant molded ABS splints on front and back for support
Shock absorbing EVA foam secured between support splints and wrist for cushioning
Lightweight, shock absorbing, ventilated EVA foam provides cool air flow and limits perspiration
Ergonomically designed for comfort
Wide, reinforced elastic straps ensure a secure fit
Kneesaver One Size Fits All Elbowsaver One Size Fits All Wristsaver To ensure the Wristsaver fits perfectly, measure hand circumference at the knuckles and match to the sizes listed below:
JR 6.0 – 7.0 in S 7.0 – 8.0 in M 8.0 – 9.0 in L 9.0 – 10.0 in
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Complies with U.S. CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older, ASTM F1447 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating, and ASTM F1492 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Skateboarding and Trick Roller Skating.
From Triple8: We’ve had a blast partnering with Barbie Patin on the development of her new DEEP COVER helmet. She was named Roller-skater of the Year in 2023 by Fantom Magazine, but it’s her pure passion for skating and creative personality that make Barbie so fun to work with. We love the specially formulated Chameleon Paint that we developed with Barbie just for this helmet. You need to see it in real life to fully appreciate the mesmerizing shifts of color.
We took everything we've learned from 30 years of helmet development and challenged ourselves to achieve the lowest-profile, deepest-fitting, most comfortable helmet in the world. We succeeded. DEEP COVER cracked the code.
With our new patent-pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology and LUXE-LOCK Liners, you'll feel the difference as soon as DEEP COVER secures your head in a plush halo. But we didn't stop there. Every head shape is unique, so we included an unprecedented FIT KIT with 17 liners and shims for optimal customization.
Best of all, we packed all of this new tech into a classic shape with a super-slim profile.
On the outside DEEP COVER simply looks right. On the inside the fit is unrivaled.
To ensure a perfect fit, measure the circumference of your head starting in the middle of your forehead and match it with the sizes below:
XS/S 20 – 21.25 in (51 – 54 cm)
S/M 21 – 22.5 in (53 – 57 cm)
L/XL 22.5 – 23.5 in (57 – 60 cm)
XL/XXL 23.5 – 24.5 in (60 – 63 cm)
PRO TIP: If your measurements are in-between the sizes shown or you’re simply in doubt, we strongly recommend sizing up to the larger size. We have found over the years that customers do better when they choose the larger size.
Triple8 DEEP COVER Helmet - Black Glitter
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Complies with U.S. CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older, ASTM F1447 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating, and ASTM F1492 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Skateboarding and Trick Roller Skating.
From Triple8: We’ve had a blast partnering with Barbie Patin on the development of her new DEEP COVER helmet. She was named Roller-skater of the Year in 2023 by Fantom Magazine, but it’s her pure passion for skating and creative personality that make Barbie so fun to work with. We love the specially formulated Chameleon Paint that we developed with Barbie just for this helmet. You need to see it in real life to fully appreciate the mesmerizing shifts of color.
We took everything we've learned from 30 years of helmet development and challenged ourselves to achieve the lowest-profile, deepest-fitting, most comfortable helmet in the world. We succeeded. DEEP COVER cracked the code.
With our new patent-pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology and LUXE-LOCK Liners, you'll feel the difference as soon as DEEP COVER secures your head in a plush halo. But we didn't stop there. Every head shape is unique, so we included an unprecedented FIT KIT with 17 liners and shims for optimal customization.
Best of all, we packed all of this new tech into a classic shape with a super-slim profile.
On the outside DEEP COVER simply looks right. On the inside the fit is unrivaled.
To ensure a perfect fit, measure the circumference of your head starting in the middle of your forehead and match it with the sizes below:
XS/S 20 – 21.25 in (51 – 54 cm)
S/M 21 – 22.5 in (53 – 57 cm)
L/XL 22.5 – 23.5 in (57 – 60 cm)
XL/XXL 23.5 – 24.5 in (60 – 63 cm)
PRO TIP: If your measurements are in-between the sizes shown or you’re simply in doubt, we strongly recommend sizing up to the larger size. We have found over the years that customers do better when they choose the larger size.
Triple8 DEEP COVER Helmet - Barbie Patin
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Patent-Pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology provides just the right amount of auto-flexing adjustment deep inside.
The Back Fit LUXE-LOCK Liners are a revelation with 3 densities of precision-shaped foam wrapped in sweat-wicking fabric to cradle the occipital region at the base of your skull. Once you experience it, there's no going back.
Advanced FIT KIT with 17 Liners and Shims for customization to your unique head shape.
Classic Shape, Deepest Fit, and Lowest Profile in 4 sizes each with unique ABS and EPS Shell for the closest fit to your head.
Complies with U.S. CPSC Safety Standard for Bicycle Helmets for Persons Age 5 and Older, ASTM F1447 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating, and ASTM F1492 Standard Specification for Helmets Used in Skateboarding and Trick Roller Skating.
From Triple8: We’ve had a blast partnering with Barbie Patin on the development of her new DEEP COVER helmet. She was named Roller-skater of the Year in 2023 by Fantom Magazine, but it’s her pure passion for skating and creative personality that make Barbie so fun to work with. We love the specially formulated Chameleon Paint that we developed with Barbie just for this helmet. You need to see it in real life to fully appreciate the mesmerizing shifts of color.
We took everything we've learned from 30 years of helmet development and challenged ourselves to achieve the lowest-profile, deepest-fitting, most comfortable helmet in the world. We succeeded. DEEP COVER cracked the code.
With our new patent-pending HIDDEN-HINGE Technology and LUXE-LOCK Liners, you'll feel the difference as soon as DEEP COVER secures your head in a plush halo. But we didn't stop there. Every head shape is unique, so we included an unprecedented FIT KIT with 17 liners and shims for optimal customization.
Best of all, we packed all of this new tech into a classic shape with a super-slim profile.
On the outside DEEP COVER simply looks right. On the inside the fit is unrivaled.
To ensure a perfect fit, measure the circumference of your head starting in the middle of your forehead and match it with the sizes below:
XS/S 20 – 21.25 in (51 – 54 cm)
S/M 21 – 22.5 in (53 – 57 cm)
L/XL 22.5 – 23.5 in (57 – 60 cm)
XL/XXL 23.5 – 24.5 in (60 – 63 cm)
PRO TIP: If your measurements are in-between the sizes shown or you’re simply in doubt, we strongly recommend sizing up to the larger size. We have found over the years that customers do better when they choose the larger size.
Goodr Sunglasses - Rosé Retail Therapy
Did you know retail therapy releases dopamine?! THAT'S why it feels so damn good!!! Top off your shopping spree with a glass of rosé and a pair of these light pink Pop G sunnies with rose ocean gradient lenses for the ultimate feel-good formula.
No Slip goodr uses a special grip coating to construct the frame to help eliminate slippage when sweating.
No Bounce frame is snug and light-weight, with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while exercising.
"Cherry Cordial to Meet You, darling!" These luscious burgundy pinstripe Glam Gs with non-reflective rose ocean gradient lenses ooze saccharine sophistication as you perfectly execute the art of social schmoozing. Consider us absolutely charmed.
No Slip goodr uses a special grip coating to construct the frame to help eliminate slippage when sweating.
No Bounce frame is snug and light-weight, with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while exercising.
Turn every rainbow into a runway! These clear cat-eye sunglasses with rainbow reflective lenses and pink accents will magically transport you to a kaleidoscopic haute couture fashion show in the sky. (OK, that was a lie, but they look fabulous AF.)
No Slip goodr uses a special grip coating to construct the frame to help eliminate slippage when sweating.
No Bounce frame is snug and light-weight, with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while exercising.
Style: Glam G
Lenses: Mirrored lenses reduce glare, hide your eyes, and come in vibrant colors.
Goodr Sunglasses - Flamingo Couture
Every day should feel like you're part of Flamingo Fashion Week! Flaunt your flamboyant style in these juicy, translucent pink cat-eye sunglasses with teal reflective lenses and chrome accents. You'll be declared a fashion icon before you know it.
No Slip goodr uses a special grip coating to construct the frame to help eliminate slippage when sweating.
No Bounce frame is snug and light-weight, with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while exercising.
Style: Glam G
Lenses: Mirrored lenses reduce glare, hide your eyes, and come in vibrant colors.
Goodr Sunglasses - The Catwalk's Meow
ME-OW!!! Take a walk on the wild side in these ferociously fashionable brown tortoiseshell sunglasses with brown non-reflective lenses and gold accents. WARNING: Wearing may result in an uptick of runway catfights due to extreme style envy.
No slip goodr uses a special grip coating to construct the frame to help eliminate slippage when sweating.
No Bounce frame is snug and light-weight, with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while exercising.
Style: Glam G
Lenses: Non-Reflective Lenses. Reduces glare to prevent squinting while you're sprinting.
Goodr Sunglasses - It's Noir, Darling
These black cat-eye sunglasses with black non-reflective lenses & light gold accents are giving fashion icon. Won't slip or bounce when vogueing down the catwalk or the sidewalk.
No slip goodr uses a special grip coating to construct the frame to help eliminate slippage when sweating.
No Bounce frame is snug and light-weight, with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while exercising.
We've worn a thousand ascots, we'll wear a thousand more. We're here to tell you, baby: we're Clad to the Bone. Channel your inner formal event scenester with these elegant bone-colored, double-pinstripe OGs with black non-reflective lenses.
No slip goodr uses a special grip coating to construct the frame to help eliminate slippage when sweating.
No Bounce frame is snug and light-weight, with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while exercising.
Style: OG
Lenses: Non-reflective lenses.Reduces glare to prevent squinting while you're sprinting.
Goodr Sunglasses - Navy By Nature
Navy is the middle child of the fashion world. Black may be everyone's fave, but navy is versatile, understated, & doesn't get the love it deserves! We see you. You're Navy by Nature, like these navy pinstripe Pop Gs with black non-reflective lenses.
No Slip goodr uses a special grip coating to construct the frame to help eliminate slippage when sweating.
No Bounce frame is snug and light-weight, with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while exercising.
Style: Pop G
Lenses: Non-Reflective Lenses. Reduces glare to prevent squinting while you're sprinting.
Goodr Sunglasses - Race to the Open Bar
Wedding etiquette be damned! We all know it's just a Race to the Open Bar. Look suave in these black pinstripe shades with black non-reflective lenses while you elbow the bride's grandma out of the way on your quest for free watered-down well drinks.
No Slip goodr uses a special grip coating to construct the frame to help eliminate slippage when sweating.
No Bounce frame is snug and light-weight, with a comfortable fit to prevent bouncing while exercising.
Style: OG
Lenses: Non-Reflective Lenses. Reduces glare to prevent squinting while you're sprinting.
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